Specificity and Star Wars
Specificity is a type of weighting that has a bearing on how your cascading style sheet (CSS) rules are displayed.”
“All rules in your CSS carry a specificity rating regardless of selector type, although the weighting that is given to each selector type varies and will ultimately affect the styling of your web documents.”
http://www.adobe.com/devnet/dreamweaver/articles/css_specificity.html - CSS Specificity for Poker Players
If you’re not from the programming world and CSS seems a bit confusing, perhaps this analogy may help clear some concepts up. Think of CSS rules as poker hands. The best hand determines an element’s style. - CSS specificity calculator
Calculates the specificity of a given selector. - Understanding Specificity Tutorial
In this tutorial you will look at specificity. Specificity is a type of weighting that has a bearing on how your cascading style sheet (CSS) rules are displayed. All rules in your style sheet carry a specificity rating regardless of selector type, although the weighting that is given to each selector type varies and will ultimately affect the styling of your web documents. - Cascade Inheritance: Specificity
At this point it might be timely to have a quick discussion of specificity. Both inside a single style sheet, and in a cascade of style sheets, it should be clear that more than one rule can apply to the same element. What happens when two properties in separate rules which both apply to an element contradict one another? - CSS 2.1 Selectors Explained
An extensive overview of CSS 2.1 selectors. Learning how to use the full range of CSS selectors available in CSS 2.1 properly can actually help you keep your HTML a lot cleaner. It will let you minimise unnecessary use of the class attribute and the need for adding extraneous div
and span
elements to the markup. - CSS Specificity Bugs in IE
A brief overview of specificity bugs implemented in Microsoft Internet Explorer/Win. - CSS Structure and Rules
Basic Syntax, Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements, Cascading Order. - Specificity
It may not seem like something that important, and in most cases you won’t come across any conflicts at all, but the larger and more complex your CSS files become, or the more CSS files you start to juggle with, the greater likelihood there is of conflicts turning up.
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